Welcome to the official web site for bestselling author Tilda Shalof. Shalof is an experienced intensive care unit (ICU) nurse and has recounted in her books her experiences in the ICU, as a camp nurse, and most recently as a patient herself.
Tilda Shalof has been a caregiver all her life — at home for her family, at work for strangers — but her skills didn’t come easily. From when she was a child taking care of her sick parents to her current position on an ICU team in one of Canada’s largest hospitals, there have always been daunting challenges and worthy rewards for her work. With her trademark humour, unflinching honesty, and skilled storytelling, Tilda’s books describe her experiences becoming the expert nurse she is today.
Tilda has extensive experience sharing her stories through her books and as a keynote speaker for a wide variety of conferences worldwide.
On this site you can learn more about Tilda’s books, what people are saying about them, where Tilda is speaking and how to get in touch with her.

Bringing It Home
A Nurse Discovers Health Care Beyond the Hospital
In her latest book, ICU nurse Tilda Shalof leaves the hospital behind to accompany the nurses who work in homes, from mansions to shacks to the streets, all across the country. Working with the Victoria Order of Nurses, a Canadian not-for-profit organization that provides home and community care, Tilda meets a wide variety of nursing professionals who offer untraditional care, sometimes in unlikely settings. This book not only describes a personal journey, but it also brings to light new health care issues. North America is on the cusp of change as the needs of our aging population put pressure on our health care system; more people need care in their homes and community supports to stay well. Yet this book is not just about caring for our elderly; Tilda also discovers how nurses care for people with a home, living on the street, for teen parents, returning soldiers with PTSD, those with physical disabilities, sex trade workers, and complex pediatrics. Shalof tells her story with her usual engaging, conversational style, and with this book, she continues to enlighten, surprise, and entertain readers.
“In Bringing it Home we learn about healing, recovering, dying with dignity, and all in between. Shalof's book awakens ongoing emotions, making us in one moment laugh and in the next, cry.” – Doris Grinspun, CEO Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario (RNAO)